Friday, October 15, 2010

new zealand in lists

walter peak farm.
window shopping
decided to recap last year's trip to new zealand in list form given that most of my blogging is now done with the little spaghetti (aka lincoln) stuck to me. some of my favorites:

going from fall in portland to all of the springtime goodness new zealand had to offer

gorgeous wool...everywhere and in every form

le specs
visiting friends, corey and amanda

meals of fresh seafood (most of which came with fries in baskets breaded and fried to perfection of which I LOVE to drench in malt vinegar and dip in tartar sauce)

my very favorite new zealand moment by far was in our hotel bathroom in queenstown with a barely positive pregnancy test (which, if you've ever lived in the world of taking these tests, the faintest positive pretty much means you've got a little spaghetti in the oven). now looking back, I wish I would have taken a self portrait in the mirror. I was glowing.

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