Tuesday, January 1, 2008

hello, two thousand eight.

"it's ordinary to love the marvelous, but marvelous to love the ordinary." - unknown

I've never really done the whole new years resolution thing, although, I like the idea. I try, rather, to make these kinds of things (resolutions) as often as they make themselves clear to me. on this first day of the new year though, I've been thinking a lot of my life and asking myself what I would resolve to do in the coming year. the answer that came to me was one that I distinctly remember discussing internally in my senior year of undergrad, live for the present because, the past is, well, the past and the future is an abstraction. I often find my head clouded by what might come in the future (thankfully I'm not one to live in the past) so here and now I'm resolving to keep my mind open and further my practices which connect me with the present in my body, mind and spirit: yoga, drinking a lot of water, cooking and eating good and healthy food, reading, photography and writing just to name a few. I've stumbled on SO many wonderfully inspiring people, practices, readings, etc. etc. in 2007 that I can only take each moment in each day of this coming year as an opportunity. I never know what I might stumble upon and, you never know, it might already be right under my nose. :)

I don't know how old my grandmother was in this photo, I believe it was taken while she was still in college - studying art (lucky and quite lovely girl). anyway, I can only imagine what she may have been thinking about her life at that point, not knowing what she might stumble upon.


unha said...

what a sweet post and a photo and thought of your grandmother.
happy new years!

lucy said...

thank you thank you!